BBC Featured: MAG thoughts on the new Gillette '#MeToo advert'

Media Agency Group was recently asked to comment on the release of the new Gillette ‘#MeToo advert’ and the controversy surrounding it. One of our account managers Robert Saunders, had the following to say regarding the ad.


'They must have known there would be backlash'

But while the response to the ad has been largely negative, as the old saying goes, there's no such thing as bad publicity.

"Their next steps are very important but it shouldn't necessarily be widespread panic yet," Rob Saunders, an account manager at UK advertising company the Media Agency Group, tells Radio 1 Newsbeat.

"Their ad is getting them good publicity and good numbers and causing a debate - which they must have known when they put out this ad.

Rob says Gillette will have anticipated a negative reaction to the advert from some people.

"This ad would have been approved by many people high up at Gillette," he adds.

"So they must have known that there may have been a backlash."

Rob believes the strong reaction is because the ad is such a shift from how Gillette was previously promoted and that has surprised people.

"It's such a change in stance for Gillette and it's happening overnight, particularly with the social commentary and that's why it's done such huge numbers."


You can find the full article here: