Moneyline has the benefit of the community at the heart of its ethos, values and impact. A not-for-profit, they aim to deliver fair and affordable financial products and be a highly trusted brand for the lowest income households in the UK.
In a position to grow as a business, they wanted MAG’s help to reach their target of providing over 28,000 loans to customers by 2021.
In order for this campaign to work, enquiry numbers driven by the campaign needed to be substantial; to achieve 28,000 loans by 2021, they needed approximately 560,000 enquiries, which then became the objective.
The Strategy:
In order to reach the objectives, MAG devised a very effective strategic plan.
The campaign would be split across different formats and it consisted of broadcast, and Out of Home.
Using our insight and data, the team were able to strategically handpick out of home locations to place the campaign creative in areas that held a high density of Moneyline’s target audience.
Additionally, the creative ran on digital- running across Facebook/ Instagram and PPC. The campaign was optimised as it went on- and each month, MAG adjusted formats to ensure targets were reached.
The Results:
Overall, the six month campaign performed very well in driving new customer acquisition, with the majority of overall enquiries and final loans being accepted by our client.
increased leads through social channels after 6 months of activity.
increase in new customers on social.
increase in link clicks through the digital campaign.
decrease in cost per new customer across social.