Understanding your consumer: psychographics
What are psychographics?
Psychographics is the qualitative methodology of studying consumers based on psychological characteristics and traits such as values, desires, goals, interests and lifestyle choices.
In Marketing we’re used to demographics, which explain who your buyer is, includes objective data like gender, age, income and marital status. However, psychographics in marketing delves deeper and focuses on understanding the consumer’s emotions and values, so you can market more accurately.
Psychographic information explains why they buy , and subjective data like belief systems, values, goals and attitudes.
Psychographics vs demographics
When targeting your audience, demographic segmentation is a great place to start, as it casts the net widely, but psychographics gives you greater leverage in influencing conversions.
Oftentime, consumers are guided by their attitudes and subjective perceptions when making purchase decisions. Psychographics covers those aspects of the buying process in greater detail, so that your marketing can reach those attitudes and perceptions. By tailoring content for specific consumers, marketers are able to convert prospects into customers more cost-effectively.
However, it’s worth noting that individuals who fall into the same demographic group don’t necessarily fall into the same psychographic group. They might have different habits, interests, preferences, and values that make them unique in how you should target them.
Building psychographics for your consumers
Psychographic profiling can be very effective, and a psychographic profile is a unique description of the attitudes, habits and interests of an individual or group you’re aiming to target. It’s a collection of consumer values and behaviours that tell you who would be most receptive to your brand’s offering.
We know that understanding your audience’s psychological attributes can greatly improve your outreach methods and advertising style, allowing you to create an overall emotionally compelling brand, as well as marketing campaigns.
How do you build up psychographics?
Media Agency Group realises the importance of your ad campaigns meeting the consumers at their level, appealing to their beliefs, lifestyle and values in order to build the most effective campaigns. To build up these profiles of your brand’s audience- gather research by conducting interviews, surveys, etc. You should already know the demographics of your brand- so you can target these people to find out their psychographics. After the research period, your goal is to find recurring themes and ‘segment’ them to create multiple psychographic profiles. Then you’ll know who it is you need to target and have a better idea of how.
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