GET TO KNOW: Lydia Bell the newest addition to the MAG team
We’re happy to welcome Lydia, the new copywriter at mag! Get know her a little more 👇
Tell us a little bit about yourself!
Hey, I’m Lydia! I moved from Derby to Manchester after studying Creative Writing & English Literature at university, and I instantly fell in love with the city. I live with my partner, I’m a quarter Jamaican, and love cats. You can often find me mooching around bookshops, coffee shops and art galleries.
What do you do in your spare time?
I read lots- there’s nothing better than getting lost in a good, fantastical world and obsessing over different characters! I write stories of my own (I would love to get published one day), and I tend to my ever-growing collection of house plants. When the weather is nice, I love to go on day trips hiking in the countryside (and occasionally get lost, oops).
What will your role be within the team?
I’m copywriter! I’ll be writing lots of content for mag, highlighting all of the great work they’re doing, and writing things like blog and social media posts!
3 random facts about yourself?
1. When I was nineteen, I had jaw surgery, so now I have metal bolts in my jaw to hold it together (…which sounds worse than it feels).
2. I self-published a poetry collection back in uni.
3. I had braces for five whole years.
What’s kept you creative over the pandemic?
I’m a storyteller at heart, whether that be fiction or writing blog posts, I’m always itching to write. So really, lockdown gave me a huge expanse of time to do just that! But sometimes we all lack creativity, and my greatest tip for keeping that creative spark burning is to keep going when you least want to, but take breaks in between when it gets tough! Determination always prevails and I think I’ve become more creative through strengthening that muscle consistently.
And lastly, what are you looking forward to the most about working with MAG?
I’m looking forward to honing my writing skills, writing a variety of content, learning more about the industry, and most of all, working with an amazing team!