A Black woman in a yellow jumper holds a tablet, looking out of a window.

The Story:

10,000 Black Interns is an important initiative, seeking to offer 2,000 internships each year for five consecutive years, for young Black people across the UK, who might otherwise struggle to find such opportunities.

The initiative began when one of their co-founders, who works in investment management, wanted to host a dinner for Black investment managers in London, and quickly realised how little of them there were out of thousands of firms in the financial capital of the UK. The more this was looked into, the more evident it became that opportunities in corporate sectors for young Black students and graduates were scarce.

10,000 Black Interns aims to change that- by offering paid work experience across a wide range of industries, as well as world-class training and development.  With this in mind, the client approached MAG, needing a campaign to drive application numbers up.


The Strategy:

To execute a solid channel strategy MAG chose an integrated approach of Radio and Out of Home because we wanted this campaign to create an explosive impact on a national scale- effectively changing potential applicant’s lives.  

Due to our audience target being a mobile and on-the-go generation, MAG were aware that +80% audiences consider using their mobile to take a photo of an ad and/or explore a brand later. Therefore, we  placed the creatives in key geo locations that were frequented by our target audiences in the majority- universities. We also took into consideration that University students are aspirational- they have dreams and ambitions, and are likely to be receptive to 10,000 Black Interns messaging. 

Overall, the formats selected would enable eligible candidates to envision their own futures- encouraging them to apply to the initiative.


The Results:


of applications over exceeded campaign targets.

applications received. (The original target was just 2000).